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Bora Jasa

The Ugly Lobster

Release Coming Soon. August 2024.

Lobster hates everything about herself and dreams of being just like everyone else. Can she discover her unique beauty and abilities when catastrophe calls? She's the only one who can save the day if she digs deep and remains true to herself. 

Why Should You Care? 

Because it could be a child you love. Make an impact. One Lobster at a Time.

Hard Truths

Amongst teens, suicide rates are on the rise, generally from declining mental health due to increased social media exposure as one major cause. For children aged 10-14, the suicide rate tripled from 2007-2018 according to the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. CDC data also shows that U.S. teen girls are in crisis with unprecedented rise in suicidal behavior due to unmet mental health needs. According to CNBC, youth suicide rates rose 62% from 2007-2021. Our children and youth are dying at a dangerous rate because they feel hopeless and struggle to feel accepted and valued. Facebook started in 2004. Instagram started in 2010. The suicide rates can't simply be a coincidence. They are struggling with the ability to navigate through home and school challenges, bullying, and comparisons from social media exposure is putting fuel to the fire. They are struggling to be their own cheerleader when it feels that no one is supporting them. They are dying too soon with hearts full of dreams and desires unrealized because they lack a critical and powerful life changing tool. They are struggling with SELF-ESTEEM: the ability to "esteem," to "lift up" one's own self. 

Plant a Seed BEFORE Their Teen Years with One Lobster at a Time.

Why The Ugly Lobster?

Not every child has the exposure or opportunity to get mental health help especially for children 5 years and under who do not yet have the understanding nor independent voice to seek help. Yet this critical age bracket of 5 years and under greatly determines how they shape their perception of themselves and of the world. This is the age that matters. This greatly sets in motion who they will be as an adult and how they manage challenges throughout their lifetime. Books are the bridge! Children of all backgrounds have access to books in their classrooms and school libraries. They don't need to muster up courage to ask for help. Kids remember stories. Don't you remember your favorite stories as a child? Kids escape, learn and aspire through stories. Something as simple as a book can make a difference no matter how small. It is about planting a seed. A seed can be watered at a later time as long as a seed exists. Children have the gift of imagination. Professional mental health help may not always reach them, but imagination can. As Albert Einstein said, "Imagination is everything. It is the preview of life's coming attractions." This is why it's important that we partner with our children and provide them as many opportunities to develop a healthy mind through books. The Ugly Lobster is a colorful and imaginative story that delivers a powerful message of learning to accept your differences, to esteem and lift your own self and to love yourself. The power of self-esteem is the greatest gift we can can give to our children. 

Supporting the Greater Good. 

Partner with the children in our community. By giving to The Ugly Lobster, you are partnering with our invaluable young children of 5 years and under who will become our teens...the adults of our society. You are investing in the society we all share together. Your partnership of any amount greatly helps to get a copy of The Ugly Lobster into a classroom in California and/or Nevada.  And as a thank you, you receive a beautiful hard-cover copy as well! Let's make the world a little brighter, a little cuter with one lobster at a time. 

PARTNER TODAY by emailing:

Upcoming Events


Book signing

August 2024


Featured Storyteller: Reading of The Ugly Lobster

September 8, 2024 9:30am-4:30pm

Los Angeles Kids Book Festival 

West Hollywood Park

Reading of The Ugly Lobster

The Ugly Lobster by Bora Jasa

Let’s Work Together

Bora Jasa
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